Some Ways To Take Next Steps
Let's face it, adulting is hard. We were made to live in community with others, and we strive constantly to create an atmosphere that allows people 18 years old and up to find like-minded folks that share more than just the place they live in. While we worship together and reason through the Bible together, a familial bond is formed between those who attend Four Points Church. Need a body of Christ-followers who get you? Give us a try.
Below, you'll find areas to become involved with our church, as well as forms for our e-mail newsletter and our text bulletin board. We can't wait to meet you!
Baptism is an outward symbol of the change that's taken place in a Christ-follower's heart after he or she becomes a Christian. It’s something we believe is a crucial step in the believer's life to be more like Jesus.
Click the link to let us know if you'd like to be baptized.
Connect groups
Connect groups are smaller gatherings of people in a host's home that meet once every two weeks to eat, share stories, learn, and share a lasting bond of friendship and family.
Click the link below to join one today!
Reactors are what we call our volunteers. We believe that saved people serve people, and what better way to do that than through serving in the church?
Learn how you can serve as a Reactor at Four Points Church by clicking the link below.