Four Points Church is a church whose target audience is young families. That said, the Production team here is all about making each Sunday worship experience the very best it can be by including creative elements ranging from the visual arts to music and anything else we believe will put an exclamation point on the way we present the truth of Jesus Christ. If you'd like to be involved with any of the following teams, please take a quick moment, fill out the form at the bottom of this page, and we'll be in touch with you ASAP.* Thanks for choosing to react to God's love by serving on the Production team!
Do you have a penchant for creativity? Like to apply artistic talents to something that speaks to others? The design team at Four Points Church is always looking for creative ways to set up our stage and worship areas that helps show our people a cohesion between the visual arts and the spoken/sung words of the service. If you're artsy, give this team a try!
It takes a lot of work to make each of our gatherings a special time for the people of Four Points Church. Most people understand the level of commitment it takes to be in the band or to speak to a crowd, but what many don't realize is that there is a whole ministry that takes place alongside the visible elements of each service. From creating professional videos to mixing live sound (and everything in-between), our backstage crew are truly a necessary part to every Sunday. If you like to tinker, learn new computer software, or simply want to be a helping hand, check out the backstage team.
Music plays a large role in the life of most Christians, and it certainly has an important place at Four Points. If you have a musical talent, whether instrumentally or vocally, consider trying out for our worship team.* This team not only learns musical material, rehearses it, and offers it each Sunday as a form of worship leadership, but it also is responsible for exemplifying what the life of a Christian should look like. If you love to play or sing, and you love to help other people come closer to Jesus while doing it, give the worship team a try.
*Video and live auditions will be required.